Thursday, July 29, 2010

To Flickr or Not Flickr? That is the question.

I had a peak around Flickr, as a guest. I did not want to sign up for an account mainly because I do not have a Yahoo ID (email) and I doubt I would use the program much at the moment apart from this very e-Learning blog posting. But as a guest I was still able to experience the vast collection of images and videos Flickr had to offer, guests can access 80% of the images (National Library of Australia , 2005). Usually when I need images for any reason or a specific purposes I just use Google Images, which anyone can use without an account. I found after comparing my Google and Flickr image searches on Great Danes both produced very similar images. Why Great Danes? Because my beloved dog Sampson (Sammy) is Great Dane breed. I love dogs, especially Shetland Ponies (Great Danes).

Flickr is a popular website for users to share and embed their personal photographs; the website contains more than 4 million images from contributors all over the globe. Flickr is commonly used by bloggers to display images they embed within their blog postings (Wikipedia, 2010). Anybody can add their own images to Flickr, marking them with descriptions and even tags for archiving and retrieving purposes. Of all Flickr’s users, two million of them add a new image to the site every four seconds (National Library of Australia , 2005).


National Library of Australia . (2005). Flickr. Retrieved July 29, 2010, from Picture Australia:

Wikipedia. (2010, July 24). Flickr. Retrieved July 29, 2010, from Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia:

1 comment:

  1. I have used both Google and Flickr to find images to use during my lessons. I prefer to use flickr because, most of the time, the images are categorised quite well, which makes it easier to find what I am looking for.

    However, I have been reading about the Creative Commons licence and there are actually a lot of restrictions on the use of images from flickr. Although some users allow the public to use their images if they recognise their ownership, some images require you to ask the user for permission to use them. I am not aware of any such restrictions on Google images so, in terms of accessibility, this tool could be more effeicent than Flickr.
