Saturday, July 24, 2010

My Weebly Website

Finally created my very first website. I decided to create the website for hints and tips for beginning teachers. I am planning on adding more information to my site in the future. Being a student teacher I have been fortunate enough to come across many helpful handy resources to use in the classroom, creating a website seemed to be a smart and great way to share these hints and tips with others.

My website address is

The World Wide Web is an important tool to present information for others to access. Creating a web page/site for a classroom allows a Learning Manager to cater for your specific audience in this case it may be the student, parents and other teachers, by creating a website it pretty much makes the audience limitless. A Learning Manager enables the teaching and learning material to become interactive when using a website to present various material such as learning tasks, information and assessment packages to students. Websites also allow other information and resources to be included by simply adding hyperlinks for others to click on and open.
After brain storming some ideas of how a website might be effectively used in the classroom, I came up with a list of ideas. My research after then kept my list growing; my brainstorming and research lead both lead me to believe that classroom websites would be a valuable tool to incorporate into the classroom. The concept map displays my thinking and additional research.

Lowe, P. (2006, August 7). Creating Classroom Web Pages. Retrieved July 21, 2010, from Teacher Designed Web Pages As A Classroom Tool :

Mulder-Slater, A. (2006). Top Ten Reasons to Create a Classroom Web Page. Retrieved July 21, 2010, from KinderArt® Stuff for Teachers:

Queensland University of Technology. (2010). Advantages of Web Pages. Retrieved July 21, 2010, from Catalyst: Using Technology to Communicate:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eva,
    I had a look at your website and love it. I am using my wiki similarly to your website. It will be good to have a look at your website and reflect on how you suggest we use the tools. I think this is an effective means of sharing information.
    I also read your comment posted on my blog and have made a few changes, thanks for the suggestions.

