Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Big6 Learning Design Framework

After examining the TPACK framework, Learning Engagement Theory, and the Big Six Framework, I have chosen to use the Big Six Framework. Throughout this blog I will explore a range of learning technologies and evaluate their effectiveness with respect to this conceptual framework. The Big6 framework is used in thousands of schools; it is practical and can be used whenever someone needs to use information. The framework uses a systematic approach to enable a person to find, use, apply and evaluate information for a set task. The Big6 incorporates information search, skills and technology tools in order to work through the 6 step process. I believe it would be effective in the classroom for many reasons some of which are:
1. Each individual learner will travel along at their own pace during the learning process. The Big6 allows the learner to complete each stage in a time frame suitable to them and stages can be completed in any order they choose. The Framework is very structured leading the students in a step-by-step process throughout the task.
2. The Big6 can be used as a set of life skills. The skills developed whilst using this framework can be applied in any situation e.g. School, home and work. The Big 6 can be used when information is needed to solve a problem, make a decision, or complete a task.
3. The Big6 also integrates a diverse selection of computer and information technology skills e.g. When students are using the web to search for information they are using Big6 No. 3 - Location and Access.
4. The Big6 framework can be directly integrated into classroom curriculum and activities.


  1. Hi Eva, I agree with you about the Big6, but you did not seem to explain why you dismissed the others.
    Looking forward to your response.
    Wendy S.

  2. Hello Eva
    I was all set to use the Engagement theory and then I read your blog which made me give some consideration as to whether I was making a good choice. I agree that the Big6 is a very structured framework and would suit each individuals learning pace but I find I'm more drawn to the constructivists approach of the Engagement Theory where the fundamental idea is engaging students in meaningful tasks
    where they have to engage with the learning, interact with others and contribute to the success of the group,the skills they develop from collaborative working are all relevant to interpersonal relationships at home,school and work later on. I like the simplicity of the Relate-Create-Donate components of engagement theory. As yet I haven't read enough about TPCK to comprehend it yet so can't comment on that one.

  3. Hi Eva,

    Although the other theories were good too, I also chose to use the Big Six framework because it was new to me and I wanted to find out more about it. Also it addresses life long learning and as you mentioned has logical processes that can be followed in either sequential order or re-arranged to suit the users needs. It also seems to allow the students and the Learning Manger to focus on the process and content of the activity simultaneously. I would say their is still an element of collaborative work that can be achieved depending on the learning topic, the curriculum it addresses, and the technology required.

    Cheers, Rachel

  4. All frameworks were new too me also, I found that the Big Six Framework made more sense too me at that time i made my decision. I liked it's simplistic steps, descriptions, layout and approach for the classroom use. The Big Six famework just seemed to appeal to me personally the most out of the others, i guess being very much a visual learner had alot to do with it also. It's propbably not the most justified reason for dismissing the others but with such a big study load i went for one that connected and made meaning to me straight away.
