Sunday, July 11, 2010

Begining my E-Learning Journey

I am a student of CQU currently studying a Bachelor of Learning Management (Early Childhood). This is my third year of study. The purpose of this blog is to meet the requirements of my current uni course Managing E-Learning. I am excited about what new and useful tools this course will introduce to me. I believe i could call myself a 'Digital Native' and technologically savvy but i am certain there is much more for me to learn. I have never created a blog before but i guess Facebook and emails can be classed as blogging, i have also created a webquest. I have used this technology throughout my life and more so now to complete my studies. It can seem at times that technology can have a mind of its own (Google: Did you mean: _ _ _ _ _?), but it is said that it's not the computer it's the user. I can't wait to find and learn more about the wide range of educational technologies during this course.


  1. Hi Eva, It is always interesting to see how much other ppl use or what they do with technology. I am wondering if you have been mentored by any teachers who use technology in the classroom during your time in schools during your BLM course?


  2. Wendy,

    Last year in my prac class (prep A) my wonderful mentor teach used the interactive whiteboard on a number of occasions. In fact she booked the computer room every Wednesday morning before library borrowing and computer time. My mentor teacher used to demonstrate the computer activity for that particular computer lesson. For example the school used Galaxy Kids Maths (Magenta - red levels for prep) she would work together with the students to complete part/s of the set activity/s which the students would then later explore and complete after borrowing from the library (computer time). I had the opportunity to use the interactive white board to demonstrate to the students using word art to make a heading for their factual posters.

