Monday, July 26, 2010

Have You Used SlideShare?

SlideShare, just a little program I came across while looking for a solution to upload my PowerPoint (Webquest) to my blog. SlideShare is the world’s largest community for sharing presentations (LinkedIn Corporation , 2010). SlideShare is a free online program. If you sign up for an account you can import presentations for a much larger viewing audience (worldwide). Plus if you Sync your SlideShare account with your Facebook and or Linkedin account your uploads will show up on all three networks.

SlideShare allows the user to (SlideShare Inc., 2010):
-Share presentations and documents with LinkedIn and Facebook networks.
-Upload portfolios, resumes, conference talks, PDFs presentations and more.
-Supports many document formats for example ppt, pps, pptx, pdf and doc.
-YouTube videos and audio files can also be embedded within the presentation.

Your quite welcomed to have a look for yourself it’s a very handy program, especially for Blogging.


LinkedIn Corporation . (2010). SlideShare Presentations. Retrieved July 26, 2010, from Linked in:

SlideShare Inc. (2010). SlideShare Home Page. Retrieved July 26, 2010, from SlideShare Present Yourself:

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