Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Creating My Own Podcast

Okay so I finally mustard enough courage to record and make my very own podcast. I get nervous when it comes to public speaking, filming and recording myself, but I was able to move on from this insecure feeling and make a recording in my home ALONE.

I wasn’t sure on what to speak about, I decided I would give a recount of the steps taken to create a paper plate butterfly. I am currently a Group Leader in the 2-3 age group, at a local day care centre. In my room we are currently learning about insects this theme is based on the children’s interests. We have been reading factual books about different bugs and on Monday (16th August) the children wanted to paint butterflies. I thought instead of just paint a butterfly on a piece of paper, we would create a 3D butterfly. The podcast explains how we did this.

I did come across a number of challenges when creating a podcast. Firstly MyPodcast was no longer taking any new members, so I continued on using Podomatic to create and publish my podcast instead. After reading through the tutorial that was provided I began the creation process. I found the tutorial straight forward enough but once I got passed the uploading part I got lost, my new podcast did not show up in My Podcast Page. Where to now? I had to play around in my podomatic account for a while before I figured out that after uploading my audio file I had to edit the details following a process (Title, description, audio/video, photos and tags, review and publish) eventually leading to publishing the file as a podcast on my account. I was also quite pleased with myself to discover that i could embed a link (from my Podomatic account) to place a audio player within my blog posting to play my podcast right then and there. Here is the link to my Podomatic page http://eva-7771.podomatic.com/. Enjoy.


  1. Eva, I listened to your podcast, it was excellent. You have created a lovely blog, I enjoy reding your work. I am still correcting the hyperlinks on my blog, I have not had much luck as yet.
    Elsa van den Heever
    Digital immigrants Diary

  2. Hi Elsa,

    Thank you, I got nervous recording it and in the end had to be happy with at least one of my recordings.
    I did have some difficulties with my hyper links at the start as well. Have your tried.
    1 - Highlight the link you have typed while writing your post (editing) then as it is highlighted right click and copy.
    2 - While it is still highlighted click the little globe picture in the post toolbar.
    3 - A pop-up will come up at the top of your screen (just under the internet explorer toolbar/s) right click on it and select Temporary Allow Scripted Windows.
    4 - Now click the globe one more time and a prompt box will appear
    5 - This is where you right click in the box and paste your link.
    6 - Press okay and you should have your very own active link.

    I hope this made some sense and helped you out a little :)


  3. Wow, That's great. I too was little unsure of podcasting. I have heard the word "podcast" but up until now did not really know what it was or how it worked. I must admit, now I love it. Your use of podcasting as an instructional tool is fantastic. Very brave. For my first attempts I just used it to record the children's musical performances so that we could then put it onto the iPod so they could listen to themselves whenever the wanted to, and also to email the PodOmatic link to their families so that they could hear the lovely music the children had been making during the day.

    I'll try an instructional one next time.

    Rachel :)

  4. I think most people are nervous about hearing their own voice recorded. However I can see great uses for this type of technology in the felxible pathways that many students have in school. Especially in secondary school students miss classes for various reasons regularly - recording lessons that are 'verbal information rich' and uploading them for the students to access in their own time would prevent the need to repeat information to several groups. I think this would also be good reference material for other teachers who want to deliver similar topics without 'reinventing the wheel'.

    As for my Podcast I was not able to create one at this stage! Problems with the site not accepting any more podcasts - will have to try and problem solve that one fast!

    Well done - again, love the butterfly! Very cute.

  5. Hello Eva
    After watching your podcast I had a go at doing one myself. As yet I haven't been able to link it into my blog and like you have gotten lost numerous times but I will follow the instructions you gave Elsa. Making the podcast was easy enough but finding it and trying to embed it has been difficult. Used this way podcasts make great instructional tools and I like Rachels idea of using it for recording performances so students could listen to themselves over an dover. I hadn't thought of that idea.
